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GPS Sick Child Services

Sick Child Services

If you would like your child to be seen for a sick visit, please call the office for an appointment during regular business hours. We work hard to maintain same day appointments for our children. When you arrive, we will ask that you and any child over the age of two are masked when inside the building. Please make sure your mask covers your mouth and nose, avoid touching your face or your mask and be sure to wash your hands often.

Greenville Pediatrics Services offers in-house laboratory testing for certain sick and well visits, including complete blood count, PCR strep and COVID tests, RSV and flu A & B, pregnancy, STD, urinalysis and some cultures. We also take care of minor injuries that may include the use of skin glue, skin staples, or sutures.

Other laboratory tests and X-rays are ordered by our providers to be performed at labs and radiology facilities. The provider ordering lab tests will advise you about when to expect results and how the findings will be reported to you.

Additional Information

Please note that we do not have walk-in appointments available. If you want a sibling to be seen with another child, please call so we can be prepared for the visit. Please allow time for traffic and parking. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, you may be asked to reschedule. Despite all our efforts to maintain an on-time schedule, sometimes the providers run late due to unexpected emergencies.

EUA Information on COVID Testing

Fact sheet for Patients